Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Hello World (AKA My Introduction)

I am a product of my trials and tribulations, my socioeconomic background, my successes and my failures. I am a thinker, I am a teachers as well as a student. I have my preferences when it comes to the subjects that I study and, knowing this, need to ensure that I the subject matter I like isn't the only focus of the classes that I take. I am open minded but I recognize that I am human. At times my own bigotries and prejudices will cloud my judgement and I would appreciate it if people would be kind enough to politely point this out.

I know that I am influenced by all that I read, who and what I listen to and what I see. To help ensure that I have a balanced perspective I read, listen and watch conservative and liberal media. Everyday I ensure that I look at conservative and liberal media sources to keep up on current events and have both perspectives. I don't trust the media to present the facts without bias and when the topic is important enough I double check the facts, read from additional sources, I seek out the source itself (if I can) and I engage in debate with others about the topics to get their take. Through what I read, listen to and those who give me council I will further my knowledge of who I am.

I recognize that I am flawed and being flawed I make bad choices as well as good. I am able to change and I am an agent of change. By not closing down, shutting off or walking away I keep myself open to other points of view. With so many choices, so many temptations, and my own selfish desires I will make mistakes after all I am human. I cannot accept that this is as good as it gets, whether we're discussing the current state of affairs or my life, things can always get and be better, I can be better.

This is my introduction. It is a living document and will change as my opinions and views are changed.

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